
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rubbish in Scriptures

Just about all the early scriptures had a whole lot of rubbish in them. And any self respecting, rationale human being would admit, that there are things in the scriptures than they believe in, that ought to be ignored. Such is the case in the Hindu scriptures, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran.

The Bible calls out homosexuality and mastrubation as sins. Moderate Christians will admit this as a fallacy.

The Bhaghvad Gita (1-41) chastises inter-caste marriages. Moderate Hindus will this is ireelavant in this day and age.

The Hindu scriptures, the Torah, and the Bible have both narratives and rules. It is full of God did/said this and God did/said that. So and so killed so and so. So and so incurred the wrath of God for doing such and such. So on and so on. The Koran on the other hand appears to be predominantly a set of rules.

Each religion has its idiosyncrasies about the path to salvation and “heaven”. The Hindus partake in all kinds of rituals. Christians are expected to go to Church every Sunday, not eat meat on Fridays. Catholics go to confessions and wash their sins away with hail Marys etc. Jews have rituals and observe various religious events. The Koran is very explicit in outlining what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior. It appears that the Koran does the thinking for the Muslims and the Muslim just has to follow it. The mullahs preach that if the Muslims follow the Koran to the letter and bob their heads five times a day towards Mecca and go the Mosque on Fridays, they will go to heaven. Therein lies the problem. The Koran is sprinkled with violence. How can one claim it is a peaceful religion when it riddled with violent words? For instance the Koran states, “When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them (9:5)”.

Marx said religion is the opium of the masses. This is particularly true in fundamental Islam, where the Mullahs are preaching the Koran As Is. And the situation is getting worse.

What are moderate Mdoing about this while Islam is being maligned by the mullahs? They ought to engage with these radical mullahs and put pressure on them to stop this idiocy. Radical Islam has to be fought within the religion. Moderate Muslims should take an active role in stemming this scourge or risk being tainted with the rest. There is no pride in being a Muslim today in the diverse community at large, only shame. People's tolerance is being stretched and if this continues, muslims will start seeing some form of discrimination, in tolerant secular societies.

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